Communication Client v6.0 by Mc & RENOX
FastReport Studio 3.22b by Fast Reports, Inc.
GCompris v8.3.4 by Bruno Coudoin
Camtasia Studio v5.0.2 by TechSmith Corporation
Gestor de tareas v1.1 by Swalloware
Easy Timesheets 9.30.7 by Xpress Software Inc.
MailRecovery Professional by Recoveronix Ltd.
Argente - Uninstall Manager v1.1.0.2 by Argente Software
Wise Registry Cleaner 10.27 by
Death Note v1.0 beta by Aitor Garzón López
Contalux v1.3 by Luis Paez
Teclado en pantalla Portable v1.0 by Madentec -
Gamoliyas v0.12a by Juan Alba Maldonado
8 in 1: Arcade Park v1.4 -Series 60 by HeroCraft
Mi Compra v1.0 by Alberto Ordóñez
Raketu v2.3.0.0 by Raketu
Aura 2: Los Anillos Sagrados Demo by DreamCatcher Interactive Inc.
Números ocultos v1.0 by Publysoft
Applet Java by José; Luis Estévez Lorenzo
WebCopier 1.2 by Maxim Klimov
CloneDVD2 by Elaborate Bytes AG
Aniquilado v1.0 by Antonio Rivas
MenuMP3 v1.4.1 by real97
Cuentas Corrientes v01.01 by Esperón Sergio David
My Desktop v1.0 by Pedro Naranjo Rodríguez
Aprenda Mecanografía by
Inverline v1.1.0.4 by inverline Networks S.L.
MiCo - La Sopa de Letras v2.43 by Miguel Conde
CrK-SkRiPt v3.5 by crkskript
Internet Explorer v5.0 Service Release 1 by Microsoft Corporation
KeyWin v2.1 by Sysco Pascual
GalenusPro Net v5.2.0 by Galenus Pro
The King Of Peru 2 v1.00 by Twin Eagles Group
Symerge Crypto v5.0 by Carles Iglesias
MovilGalaxy v1.5 by Héctor Mainar (Quien)
JRFunctions v2.0 by
Pacmalandia v1.0 by Claudio Ariel Clarenc
MP3Producer 2.52 by MP3Developments
MiniCalcEuro v1.2 by Alain Blaisot
Internet Download Accelerator 6.19 by Ruslan Voloshyn
AWicons Pro 10.2 by Neil Sagitov
ElectroMIL v1.00 by Luis Fernando Cruz
Listado de Software v1.0 by Wogland
OrdersCE v3.80 by FarAndSoft
e-Wall v3.05.2006 by
WashAndGo 2015y by Abelssoft
IBM ViaVoice TTS Runtime v6.4.0.6 by IBM
Las figuras planas by Vicente Pérez Redrado
SQLCommand v1.2 by Fernando Marín
English-Spanish Dictionary 6.0 by Mehmet
Sevilla m-Guide para SE P800/P900 by Orange Compass, S. L.
BrowserStar 2.8u by Abelssoft
F-Secure Mobile Anti-Virus v2.30 -Symbian (S60 2º Ed.) by F-Secure Corporation
Ice Age Pack v1.0 by RockSur
Disclib v2.0 build: 50 by Lyrasoftware Team
Pomod v0.5b by xphere
Extreme Picture Finder 3.53.2 by Extreme Internet Software
Adolix Outlook Express Backup 3.0 by Adolix
Bodie's Typing 1.03 by Marcelo Dato
NullKeyboard v2.0 by Beemer Pocket PC
TrueTerm Thesaurus v5.0 by TT-Software LS
onlineTV by concept/design
Valencia Yellow Pages v2.0 -Palm by BeeLoop SL
Free Xmas Screensaver 1.0 by 3D ScreenSaver Downloads
Mail Access Monitor para Exim Mail Server v3.4 by Red Line Software
Winter v1.0 (OSX) by © Kukuxumusu
Virtual Fashion Professional v1.0 by Reyes Infográfica S. L.
Imprimir Cheques v2.00.85 by Gestión 2002
pRSSreader v1.3.4 by David Andrs
F1 Móvil 2007 v1.4.0 by ITAC, IT Applications Consulting
Opera@USB v9.25 by Opera Software
TurboCad Professional v11.1 by IMSI
CSI: Las 3 Dimensiones del Asesinato Demo v1.0 by Telltale Games - Ubi Soft Entertainment
Easy Photo Recovery 6.16 by Regall, LLC
Smashed Screen v1.0 by Alexander Meissner
Gem Shop 1.0 by Zylom Media Group
Aventura Rural v1.0 by Xavi Carrascosa
AutoBye v1.0 by Davinxi
Ac Browser Plus 4.13 by Konrad Papala
Agenda - Calendario Perpetuo ARC v1.0.01 by Antonio Ramírez Climent
Zureo Home v1.0 by Zureo Software
Recetas Galeón v0.1 by Pablo A. Gutiérrez
Consoltic TPV 2007 v2.1.54 by CONSOLTIC
MedeaGes v1.0 by Medea Soft S.L.
Editor MyPhotoFun v4.1 by The MyPhotoFun Company
PK7 v0.5 by Jonathan Bravo Lopez
Extreme Tux Racer v0.4 by
CDEO Documentación v1.1.7 by Altra Software S.L.
YourBreakGrabber v2.0 by ZyntaXis
X-CRiPt v5.1 by
D[MP3]Viewer v3.12 by Informedia Designs
La Fábrica de Botones v2.02.004 by Trellian Software
Renta 2004 v1.02 (Padre) by Ministerio de Hacienda-España
Horario v2.5 by Alejandro Comes
Alicia v2.5.2002.169 by Rico Software
Torres de Hanoi v1.2 by Luis Miguel González Vilches
Kube v1.0 by Devilish Games
Citas v1.2 by Amb Software
MinGarf IRC v3.5 by Javier Gonzalez Leal
Windows XP Actualización de seguridad Búfer desactivado en Universal Plug&Play by Microsoft Corporation